Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Celebrate LOVE


How's your Labour Day PH?

Over the weekend, I was packing my scrap area and chanced upon this wooden box.. and as you may have guessed it, I was eagerly decorating this box on Labour Day!

Can you see that its a wooden box? I misted the box slightly, a mixture of Red, Yellow and Green (something that I learnt from a very talented lady - Jasmine..)

The words in the box read: "Love makes life beautiful" and "Celebrate LOVE"! Don't you think life's colourful and bright with love? Lets celebrate LOVE this month, with MOTHER's DAY coming!!!

How are you celebrating MOTHER's DAY??
At MyCraftShop, we do have some lovely presents that you can customize to surprise your mother!

Email me or send me a message and we will do all we can to make your gift LoVeLY and BEAUTIFUL, just like all does! :)

Have a great week ahead!
Its a short week this week in SG.

Take care..

Lots of Love, Joyce

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